Thursday, October 16, 2008

Why I want to be euthanized

Dan Savage describes his mother's death:

She could be put under and put on machines and live for a day or two in a coma, long enough for her other two children to get down to Tucson and say their good-byes, which she wouldn't be able to hear. Or she could live for maybe another six hours if she continued to wear an oxygen mask that forced air into her lungs with so much force it made her whole body convulse. Or she could take the mask off and suffocate to death. Slowly, painfully, over an hour or two.

This is why I want to be euthanized. Because I don't want to spend the last couple of hours of my life suffocating to death while being aware that I'm suffocating to death! It's not the pain that I'm worried about, it's the awareness. This is why I hate flying - not because I'm afraid that I'll die in the crash, but because I'll spend several minutes aware that we're about to die in a crash and helplessly unable to do anything about it. If my death ends up being a drawn-out process rather than a short sharp shock, I want to be anesthetized into complete unawareness or floating in a drug-induced happy-land or enjoying some sordid fantasy in some virtual reality system. I don't want to be lying there for two hours, suffocating to death and aware that it's happening!

The main argument against euthanasia seems to be a concern that people would abuse it and have people euthanized who really don't want to be euthanized. I don't expect everyone in the world to agree with me, but personally being euthanized against my will is so incredibly negligible compared with the prospect of suffocating to death while aware that it's happening! Please, I beg of you, don't make me go through that! Convicted criminals get to have lethal injections, why can't I?


Anonymous said...

I want to be euthanized too!

Anonymous said...

I want to be euthanized, we deserve the choice after our intense evolution to further intelligence.