Sunday, October 26, 2008

Why does high school still matter to Betty Suarez?

Several times on Ugly Betty there have been plot points involving her baggage from high school. She's mentioned a couple times like it still matters to her that she stayed home from prom, and recently there's been a character who was her high school bully and she was excited when this girl invited her to go clubbing with her.

But why does this matter so much to her? She's been to university! Why doesn't she have any baggage from university? Even if high school baggage is necessary sometimes, it would be far more realistic if she had even more university baggage.


M@ said...

Because network TV cares more about appealing to the biggest possible demographic than it cares about, well, anything else in the world. And more people have experienced high school than university.

Sorry. You're overqualified to watch TV.

impudent strumpet said...

Actually it occurred to me today that it might be for the benefit of the adolescent audience. It would have been very helpful to me when I was a teenager to see that a frumpy, awkward, unattractive character with glasses and braces still gets to have sex with reasonably appealing partners. Maybe they're doing something similar with her high school angst.