Sunday, October 26, 2008

Things They Should Invent: long hair compatible vacuums

Whenever I vacuum, I always end up with hair entangled around my vacuum brushes, which I then have to clean off.

Why can't they design a vacuum that will just suck long hair directly into the vacuum bag without it getting all tangled around the brushes and other vacuum parts?


Sarah Haendler said...

YES! If someone gets around to this and you find it first, make sure you let me know!

On a vaguely related note, a similarly long-haired friend of mine has a kitten who's favorite game is snaking the drain after she showers. I think that's brilliant.

impudent strumpet said...

OMG, second most useful kitten ever! (The most useful kitten I've ever heard of kills bugs and eats the corpses.) If I weren't allergic to cats, I'd get one of each!