Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Things Gmail Should Invent: recognize the word "spoilers"

In Gmail's inbox view, you can see the first line of every message. Usually this is convenient, but if the email contains spoilers you have to trust your correspondent not only to mark the subject line, but also to leave the spoilers out of the preview section, which might not occur to them if they're using a different email system.

What Gmail should do is if the subject line contains the word "spoilers", it shouldn't show you any previews.

Bonus points for also recognizing that "no spoilers" doesn't need to be hidden.


M@ said...

You could create a couple of filters, one that looks for the word "spoilers" and the other that looks for the word "no spoilers". Label the first one "Spoilers" and the second one "No". For both, move them directly to the archive and leave as unread.

When messages arrive, you can click the "No" label to view the "no spoilers" messages, and then the "Spoilers" label when the coast is clear.

Would that work?

impudent strumpet said...

That would work if people receive spoilers regularly and want to make the effort to organize. I was thinking something automatic for more casual users.