Saturday, May 17, 2008

Cool ads

I was going to post about what my local Starbucks did. They drew a bunch of chalk arrows on the sidewalk, and if you followed them you ended up in Starbucks. I know people don't like advertising intruding into public space, but I thought that was cool. Subtle, non-intrusive, piques people's interest. Although really the candy store up the street should have done it instead, because their target audience is children and children would totally drop everything and follow arrows drawn on the sidewalk.

But then I saw this ad which is so infinitely cooler it makes Starbucks's arrows not worth blogging about. (NSFW warning for the only very strictest workplaces: contains potentially sexy but non-sexualized transvestite imagery)

The reason why it's a particularly effective ad isn't even mentioned in the ad: speaking as the target audience of hair removal products, my first thought is that if it can make a bio-male look like a sexy woman, it can probably do the same on me. "The toughest part about looking like a woman is all my hair." Yes, that's my problem exactly!

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