Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Yoga is evilly addictive!

The problem with yoga is it's addictive. Not a fun happy addictive like The Sims or Lays Salt & Vinegar chips. It's an evil, life-destroying addictive like tobacco and cocaine. I started doing yoga because I heard people talking about it, and it seemed like it could be fun and might have some nice positive side-effects. I continued with it because I enjoyed how it made me feel. But now, if I don't get my daily yoga fix, my body goes into withdrawal. My tendons scream at me and nasty thoughts float around in my head and I can't function properly until I do a surya namaskar and a couple of nice, slow triangle poses. Then my tendons calm down and my evil thoughts get locked away into my little zen box and I can get on with my day. And I'm not even into the hard stuff - I just do the postures, not the meditations, and I slack on my breathing, and I'm not at all into the spiritual aspect of it!

The moral of the story is, unless you need it for medical purposes, just say no to yoga!

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