Thursday, February 03, 2005

Why the sex industry is squicky

I've always found the idea of the sex industry kind of squicky. Although I don't actually find it morally objectionable, thinking about it always made me want to shudder and vomit and curl up under the covers and cry.

I just realized why.

I have no problem with the idea of a person trading sexual services for money. I wouldn't do it myself, but the idea doesn't bother me at all.

What bothers me is the thought of people who aren't sex workers themselves making money from the sex industry. Pimps and strip club owners and porn producers who get to wear as much clothing as they want and have physical contact only with people they choose, but still make money off the backs of sex workers who have to expose themselves to and/or be pawed by any random customer, even if it's their high-school tormenter or their high-school principal or their parent's friend or their child's friend or their next-door neighbour.

Maybe people should think about that before they patronize the sex industry. I can see how a person might be okay with their money going to a sex worker, but perhaps people should also ask themselves how they would feel about most of this money going to Jabba the Hutt.


s said...

I don't think people who patronize the sex industry give a rat's ass about the sex workers themselves...

But yeah, squicky.

impudent strumpet said...

I don't know if they actually care about the sex workers or not, but I have heard it used as an excuse/justification - that patronizing the sex industry is just helping poor downtrodden sex workers earn a living.