Saturday, August 30, 2008

Things They Should Invent: Kernels in movie theatres

Kernels sells awesome popcorn. Why do they not have locations in movie theatres????


Sarah Haendler said...

Sadly, the real answer to your most likely rhetorical question is, that's where the movie theaters make their profit. No way in hell will they spend more to get better corn, or worse (for them) farm it out to someone else entirely. Ticket prices (as insane as they are) mostly go back to the studios - the theaters split that 80/20 with the studio, and the 20 that the theater gets mostly keeps the lights on and the poor minimum wage shlubs showing up. The popcorn and soda is the BANK.

impudent strumpet said...

Why do they have other food franchises in movie theatres then?

laura k said...

Hm, good question. Do the studios own those franchises?

These days, don't the studios own most of the plexes, too?