Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Google is scary smart

I wanted to go to The Weather Network's website, so I typed www.thew into my address bar, trusting the autocomplete to do the rest. The autocomplete didn't take for whatever reason, so I had this random www.thew sitting in my address bar dropdown.

So, as with everything in life, I decided to google it to see what would happen. I googled the w, no quotation marks or anything. The very first thing at the top of the page under Related Searches was The Weather Network.


magnolia_2000 said...

dont you just love the cat fight going on at wmtc! i love it when left wingers fight. personally i think laura is not telling us the whole story. what about you?

impudent strumpet said...

I'm afraid I don't quite know what you're talking about. You sure you posted this in the right place?