Sunday, August 10, 2008

So it seems I'm capable of militaristic sentiment

Have you ever seen those World War II propaganda posters that show the evil shadow of fascism lurking over cherubic children? You know the sentiment they're intended to evoke to make people run off and join the army?

The thing with the nutters at Tim McLean's funeral did that to me.

I wanted, in a very aggressive, militaristic sort of way, to run off to Winnipeg and get all in those fuckers' face with one of those hardcore Pride supersoakers. I wanted to sabotage their every movement and vandalize their cars and sexually harass the women (Q: Why? A: Because it's Teh Gay that they're afraid of) and all kinds of things that are probably illegal. If I had been there in the human wall and the nutters had shown up and mob mentality had made things turn violent, I could quite readily have been swept along and would totally have punched out a nutter at the slightest excuse.

I seriously had no idea I was capable of this kind of sentiment. It has never happened before. The furthest I've gotten before was a desire for cool calculated revenge to be followed by schadenfreude. I've never had this aggressive militaristic sort of thing happening before. I've never been in a place where I could have been swept along with angry mob mentality before. Not even about Paul Bernardo, although I can't give you a good reason for why that is.

But it looks like I do have a threshold, and it looks like it's right about at the worst people in the world. (The article is nothing new, I just like the headline.)

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with this now.


Anonymous said...

hugs from Paris

impudent strumpet said...

De toutes les choses fabuleuses que tu pourrais faire à Paris, tu me lis? Wow, now I feel pressured to write something interesting.

laura k said...

I found the same threshold in myself, when Operation Rescue (fetus loving crazies from Kansas) invaded New York City.

I'm not sure we have to do anything with it, other than to acknowledge it, and if we choose, to not succumb to it, to not allow it to rule our thoughts

I think it's just a healthy self-awareness. I'm glad you share it, and I'm glad you found it for these crazies!

impudent strumpet said...

I'm not glad I found it. I could be convinced to do evil things because of it, and I don't like having that in me.

Kim_in_TO said...

I must admit to the same feelings, and only realized the folly of it when I heard that the loonies are hoping to provoke a violent response so that they can prosecute, or possibly sue.

I'm not too worried as long as such thoughts don't become a daily occurrence.