Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Are we also not wearing enough hats?

I find it presumptuous and just...weird to say that the IUD is being underused in Canada and is "due for a comeback" just because we use it at a lower rate than in other countries.

I use the birth control method that's best for me (i.e. the pill). The IUD doesn't have the primary characteristics I look for in a birth control method (i.e. hormonal and allows for regular monthly menstruation). It's basic human respect to assume that other people are also using the method that's best for them, and if they aren't they'll take it up with their doctor.

Not meeting statistical averages for birth control choices in the general population isn't a problem; leading people to think that this is a problem is a problem.

1 comment:

laura k said...

I was amazed when I saw that, too. Seems nuts.