Thursday, June 19, 2008

What your translator is doing when you're not looking

1. I read your text like an internet asshole. I think "How would an internet asshole react to the contents of this text?" and tweak the language wherever possible to mitigate any undesirable aspect of that reaction.

2. I user-test your intra-textual references. If I have to look at the chart in Appendix G to understand what you're saying here I'll make a note of it and, if appropriate, will add "(see Appendix G)" at the point where I had to go look at Appendix G.

3. I set my inner child to reading the text. Anything potential double entendres that make her snicker get reworded (unless you meant them to be there).

4. If your text is meant to be read aloud, I read the translation aloud. If I stutter or stumble, I try to reword it to eliminate the phoneme combination that caused me trouble.

5. I read your text like the most easily offended person on earth, and tweak the translation wherever needed so I find nothing offensive.

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