Sunday, June 08, 2008


Whenever I give the cashier one cent more than the total cost of my purchase, I feel stupid standing there with my hand out waiting for one cent in change. So my first thought is that I should say "Keep the penny," like my customers did to me when I was a cashier. But that seems a bit condescending, magnamiously offering the prole the penny as though it's such a gift to them (even though I didn't mind it when I was a cashier). So then I started saying "I don't want the penny," as though I'm just some demanding eccentric instead of an upper-class twit who thinks a penny is important to a cashier. But that seemed to assholic, so now what I'm doing is saying "I don't want the penny" with an apologetic smile, as though the cashier is doing me a kind favour by keeping the penny. We'll see if I find something wrong with that approach in a few weeks.

1 comment:

laura k said...

I have the same problem. I tried saying "that's ok, thanks", but it still felt like I was playing the Queen. Now I usually wait for the penny rather than say anything.