Sunday, April 10, 2005

Stupidest Dear Abby problem ever

Am I the only one who thinks there's no problem here?

The parents give their daughter a car, then complain that she's doing all the driving when her boyfriend doesn't drive. What did they expect to happen when they gave her a car? Does the daughter even mind? I can't think of any 16-year-olds who would rather have their date's parents drive than drive themselves. And if the daughter does mind, why isn't she writing to Dear Abby herself?

And what is Dear Abby hoping to achieve by suggesting that the girl's parents tell the boy's parents not to leave the kids unsupervised? If they didn't trust their daughter to be unsupervised, why would they have given her a car in the first place?Telling boyfriend's parents to supervise at all times is just making their daughter's life more annoying by denying the kids privacy for no good reason. And I'm not even talking about privacy to do whatever things their parents think they shouldn't be doing (which they already have every opportunity to do, because she has a car!) I'm talking privacy to gossip about friends or bitch about how much they hate their English teacher or discuss how tempting it is to skip the assembly they're having at school tomorrow or complain about their parents - you know, all the things you want to talk about when you're 16 but you don't want your parents to overhear because they'll stick their nose in.

Moral of the story:

1. If you give your kid a car, don't be surprised when they start driving more.
2. If you don't want your kid driving or being unsupervised, don't give them a car.
3. If your kid isn't complaining about how much they're driving, it's none of your damn business.
4. If your kid is complaining about how much they're driving, it's really their job to resolve the problem, not yours.

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