Sunday, April 17, 2005

Saturday by Ian McEwan

I'm not sure if I like this book. It's almost universally well-reveiewed, but it wasn't entirely a good experience for me. The obsessive minute attention to detail kind of annoyed me, although it is clearly part of the exercise in which the author is engaging. The climax of the story upset me emotionally, although it could easily have been much worse (I'm not describing it here because it would rather spoil the book), and the ending didn't give me satisfactory closure. I literally just finished it and I'm writing this in an attempt to create closure. I'm not in a position to actually assess the literary merits of this book because I'm kind of upset from it. I guess it's good in that it can affect me emotionally like this, but this isn't a good way to be feeling when I have to be at work in 9.5 hours.

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