Saturday, April 02, 2005

Dying from Chastity

In the wall-to-wall pope coverage on TV, they were at one point interviewing this guy, either a bishop or a cardinal, and he said "No one has ever died from chastity."

I don't think that's necessarily true.

If anyone has decided they would rather die than be raped, found themselves in an attempted rape situation, and succeeded in carrying out their choice, they have died from chastity.

If anyone has ever starved to death rather than prostituting themselvse, they have died from chastity.

In situations where they used to physically or chemically castrate people with mental or intellectual disabilities so that they wouldn't breed, if anyone ever died from side-effects of that, then they died from chastity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chastity isn't just sexual abstinence; it's sexual abstinence motivated by morality and/or religious laws. A person can choose death over rape in the interest of chastity, but an unchaste person can make the same choice. Anyway, I think you're right about the bishop or cardinal being wrong. You could say that the idea of chastity has helped to keep sex education and free condoms out of certain schools. Someone has probably died from that. Also, men need to have sex regularly, or else their heads will explode. It's true.