Tuesday, June 03, 2003


I didn't sleep at all last night, I napped only for a couple of hours this afternoon, I had alcohol and tranquillith� before bed, I was in bed around 1:30 maybe, read for a bit and then turned off the light (establishing routine and all that) and the closed my eyes and relaxed my mind. I lay there for at least 2 hours, and no sleep! I need to sleep. My eyes are tired, my face is puffy with exhaustion, and I feel just inches away from coming down with a cold. I'm doing everything right, but I can't fall asleep and I don't know why!

It seems like the only time I ever do fall asleep is when I convince myself that it's almost morning anyway, so I may as well just lie down for a minute and wait for morning. But this is not good. Next week I have to be on a normal 9-5 type schedule, and here I am sitting up awake until sunrise!

I'm hoping that after a couple of days of sleepwalking through a normal schedule, I'll just come home one evening, collapse exhausted, and wake up the next morning. But this didn't work last summer; that might have been because of the heat, but what if it wasn't? What if I'm doomed the rest of my life to be stumbling through the five-day work week on lack of sleep, trying not to nod off in my office, then sleeping through my weekends?

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