Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Good day today. I feel like people at work care about making me feel at home in the unit and care about whether I'm comfortable at work and have everything I need. I can get random stuff for my office (a wheel mouse, sticky notes, a thingy to make my monitor higher) just by asking and it's like it's no trouble at all. This is very new to me. I'm also starting to get random internal spam - emails sent to everyone on the list - and that makes me feel like I belong. Like there was an internal spam to tell us that archiving is down and might not be back up today. So I knew that archiving was down and worked around it without having to ask and without anyone having to walk in and tell me!

The office is way over-air-conditioned. Today I was wearing a t-shirt, a long skirt, sandals, and a sweater, and I was FREEZING! But then I remember that it's 33 degrees outside. Thirty-three degrees and I'm uncomfortably cold. Bliss

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