Monday, June 23, 2003

Stuff I Learned On My First Day Of Work That I Can Blog:

- It takes me 20 minutes to get to work, door to door, including a stop to return a library book. Not too bad.
- You can get static cling on your skirt even when you aren't wearing stockings.
- Even if you have air conditioning at home, it's a good idea to close the curtains on the windows of your 14th storey apartment that is in direct sunlight after 12 noon before you leave in the morning on days when it's going up to 31 with a humidex of 34. GAH run on sentence!
- Even if you only have to be outdoors for one block, as you walk from your air-conditioned building to the air-conditioned mall (which connects directly to the air-conditioned subway which connects directly to your air-conditioned office building), it's better to dress for the heat and keep a sweater in your over-air-conditioned office.

Other random weirdness: I keep finding the lids to water bottles all over my apartment, but I don't have any water bottles that are missing lids.

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