Sunday, June 22, 2003

So my grad was a bit disappointing. They grouped us by degree instead of by discipline, so I didn't get to sit with the people I've shared classes with for the last three years. Because of the risk of SARS, we didn't shake hands with anyone, so I didn't get to shake hands with my profs because profs aren't going to stand up for the honour of giving their students a dignified nod. (Although the director of the department I used to work for was in the audience, and he shook hands with me on my way back to my seat). And they didn't announce with your name if you'd earned First Class, which was disappointing because I'd unexpectedly earned First Class and I wanted the world to know!

I couldn't find any of the profs I wanted to talk to after the ceremony, although I did find our department's secretary, who has helped me at least as much as the profs did.

Now I look around at all I have to do before tomorrow and cringe.

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