Sunday, May 31, 2009

To do next time I encounter abortion protesters

A couple of years ago, I encountered an abortion protest (my first as a pedestrian) where they had giant pictures of dismembered babies. I used this opportunity to fulfill a longstanding if childish goal of acting like they gave me the idea of getting an abortion.

But now that I think about it, the dismembered fetuses on their posters were really neatly dismembered. They were like broken dolls - arms detached at the shoulders and legs detached at the hips. I think their heads were even still attached.

If the procedure does cause the fetus to be dismembered (and I have no idea whether it does or not), you'd think it wouldn't be as neat. Maybe the foot would come off at the ankle or part of the arm would come off at the elbow. Maybe its head would come off. Maybe its brain would explode or its eyeballs would come out.

Also, they were really neat and clean for having just passed through the birth canal and been dismembered. I know a miscarriage looks like a big messy menstruation. I know newborn babies are born covered in gunk. So you'd think an aborted fetus would look like one or the other or some average between the two. If I remember correctly, this one was sort of generally wet, but it wasn't covered in any bodily fluids of any sort. They weren't bleeding where the arms had come off

So I think if I ever encounter these people again, I'll ask them about the pictures. What method of abortion was used? How far along was fetus and how big was it? Why did it dismember? Why did it dismember so neatly? Why didn't it explode? Why is it so clean? Where did all the uterine lining and placenta and amniotic fluid and whatever else is in the uterus go? Under what circumstances was it possible to photograph the fetus?

If anyone should ever have this opportunity before me, I'd appreciate a report.

1 comment:

laura k said...

You are my hero!

I will never have the guts to do this - although I do have the guts and the impulse to do violence to the protesters - so please do report how it goes!!

Funny how these dismembered babies look like broken dolls, eh?