Sunday, May 31, 2009

The problem with the constantly-evolving English language

I'm in a pet store looking at an adorable pile of puppies playing. They're an adorable pile of puppies and they're playing, so a small crowd has gathered. At one point, one of the puppies decides to lick his brother's genitals, to the general disgust of the audience. "OMG, that's sick!" I blurt out without thinking.

Some kids next to me look at me strange.

I look back at them, not understanding why they're looking at me.

They keep looking at me strange.

Then I realize what they're thinking. "Ew, no! I meant that in the Gen X sense of the word!"

1 comment:

laura k said...

"I'm in a pet store looking at an adorable pile of puppies playing."

Once you realize that puppies in pet stores are probably victims of puppy mills, this is too heartbreaking to do.

But maybe it was a PetSmart or other big chain and the puppies were there for adoption? I hope!