Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Karla Homolka roundup

1. Lorna Dueck asks "Can we forgive Karla?" I propose that we cannot because we are not qualified to do so. The only people who are qualified to forgive her are three dead girls and one Jane Doe. The families of the victims have a secondary claim to forgiving her, and perhaps, by some standards, the many potential victims living in terror in the golden horseshoe area have a distant tertiary claim. (I count myself among these potential victims, but I don't claim any right to forgive her). It would be terribly presumptuous for anyone else to go around forgiving her. If I were one of the victims, I would begrudge it greatly indeed if random people started forgiving her when I was not prepared to do so.

2. Karla Homolka still looks like Belinda Stronach.

3. She also looks like someone who has been to prison.

4. My professional assessment of her French, based solely on transcripts (because I don't care to hear her voice). It is certainly sufficient. She has a broad enough vocabulary (although she forgot the word for the trunk of a car (c'est generalement "coffre", mais ca peut varier)), but her structure is still blatently English. It isn't wrong, per se, but it is quite obvious that she thinks in English, and it would be obvious to any Quebecois that any text she might write was written by an anglophone. Ordinarily, this would be a hinderance in Quebec to any job that might involve writing, or that might involve diplomacy in the broadest sense of the term (customer complaints department, sales at higher-end stores, psychotherapist, hostage negotiation, etc.) However, I don't know if any language issues could me much more of a hinderance than "rapist and murderer".

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