Sunday, July 17, 2005

A challenge for those with musical training

Try singing the words do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do, in that order, to a melody that is not an ascending major scale. Bonus points for choosing a melody that is not a song either. Try a descending major scale, or a minor scale, or broken/melodic triad and inversion. It's HARD! Maybe it's easier for other people, but I keep straying from the melody and back into the ascending major scale.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try singing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" starting with those words on the mediant descending to the tonic (in C that would be Take on E, Me on D, Out of C). If you do it correctly, you'll run out of words before the end of the song.
It would look like this:
Take me out,
To the ballgame, take... me,
Out to the park buy me ...
Some peanuts and crackerjacks .. I don't,
Care, if I never get back for it's
Root root root,
For the home team if... they,
Don't win it's a shame for.....
One two three .. strikes.. you're out at the old ball game.