Saturday, July 16, 2005

Chapter 4: Horace Slughorn

Well, thank you JKR for depriving us of the opportunity to guess the DADA teacher :p  So now I'm afraid I have no choice but to say Horace Slughorn for Half-Blood Prince!  I noticed the broken clock in Slughorn's house and immediately thought of the clock at Privet Drive that Harry fixed, so I was rather disappointed to see it quickly fixed by magic.
The way Harry is a) not depressed and b) going to be taking private lessons from Dumbledore would smell like Harry Stu if this were a fanfic, but I'm happy with his attitude so far.  I have to admit, the story so far is comfortable.  I like comfortable, although I tend to get too wary of it in fanfic.
In other news, we now have answers about double apparation and why people don't just apparate into other people's houses!  It's also interesting that Voldemort is using what is essentially a zombie army.  That idea was briefly and laughing toyed with in SQ, thinking it would use people who had their souls sucked by Dementors.  But that gets me thinking:  whom do we know who is dead and still has their body?  Bones, Vance, Quirrell, Cedric, and Harry's parents.  (Am I missing anyone?) I wonder if we'll see any of these people become Inferni?

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