Friday, September 26, 2008

People need to stop using the word anti-choice to mean anti-abortion

Why? Because we now need the word anti-choice to describe this guy.


laura k said...

But anti-choice doesn't mean merely anti-abortion. It means anti-reproductive-rights, which is what that guy is.

Lots of people are anti-abortion (for themselves) but pro-choice.

Slightly off-topic, but definitely related:

Lots of Canadian readers sent me a link to that story in shock and horror, then were even more horrified to learn I wasn't even surprised. Schemes like that are periodically floated in many US states.

impudent strumpet said...

This probably reflects poorly on me, but I wasn't even shocked and horrified until it got to the part where he wants to provide tax incentives for educated and high-income people to have kids. I saw intellectually that the sterilization plan is a problem, but I wasn't shocked emotionally because it's something that I want. Part of my mind was thinking "I wonder if I could go be unemployed in Louisiana for a while?" Then I saw the make rich people have more kids part of the plan and recoiled.

That was a strategic error on his part. If he had kept just the sterilization idea, he could have had childfree extremists and VHEMTist extremists onside, probably without losing support from anyone else who might support this plan.