Monday, September 15, 2008

How to get through abortion clinic protest lines

What To Expect When You're Aborting, which is possibly the internet's first abortion blog (and which I'm going to blog about more later because it's kick-ass and very helpful and makes me think - I hope she doesn't mind the attention) gets credit for making me think of this.

The patient approaches the clinic with two support people, at least one of whom is female. (This could also be executed with one female support person, but with two people it would be more convincing and take less acting.)

As they approach the clinic, they patient and the other support person flank the female support person, put their arms protectively around her, and hustle her into the clinic. The female support person serves as a decoy patient and takes all the abuse, leaving the real patient with nothing to do but play bodyguard.

Not that anyone is obligated to be gratuitously awesome in this situation, but bonus awesome points if the decoy patient pretends to have a change of heart in a big dramatic way, distracting the protesters and making them think they won while the real patient slips quietly into the door. Logistical problem: then the support people aren't inside to take the real patient home.

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