Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Things that occurred to me today while I was trying to work

1. From a purely logical perspective, sneezing should have just as much comic value as farting.

2. If there is a god, it should, being omnipotent, be able to communicate to every single human being what it wants us to do or believe in such a way that every single human being will understand and obey. However, the human race is not unanimous on what our gods want us to do or believe. This leaves us with four options: a) there is no god, b) there is a god and it doesn't care what we do or believe, c) there is a god and it doesn't want the same thing of every individual, so each of us is already doing what this god wants us to do or believe, or d) there are many gods, all with differing expectations, and we each fall under the jurisdiction of different ones.

3. Parents complain about their kids "talking back". Sometimes they even punish them for it. Isn't that the stupidest thing ever to define as a misbehaviour? "OMG! My kid didn't just quietly accept what I said without questioning it and is instead apply critical thinking skills and/or asking follow-up questions! OMG! My kid didn't psychically pick up that this is the point at which I arbitrarily wanted them to shut up!"

4. In ecology, the word "hazing" is used to mean frightening wildlife for their own protection - for example, scaring waterfowl away from areas where there is an oil spill. I was translating a text on this topic, and was having trouble looking up the names of various devices used for hazing. Most of the names were pretty self-explanatory, so I was checking the most obvious translations by typing them into Google. I ended up getting a surprising number of those word list pages that are intended to redirect searchers towards porn. I wonder why? I had no idea that the word "hazing" could be a porn keyword. Dare I search Urbandictionary to find out what it means in this context?


Anonymous said...

And there's certainly no connection between frat boys and porn, eh?

Seriously, hazing can get pretty extreme with frats or sports teams, etc., and it can include things with sexual or porn-like connotations.

impudent strumpet said...

Heh. Strange thing to jerk off to. Particularly strange that it would be a common enough search keyword.