Sunday, April 26, 2009


The Simpsons is pronouncing clique as "click". I've always pronounced it "cleeeek".

How do you pronounce it?


karin said...

i've always pronounced it how you do, but I've heard a lot of people say it as "click". I'm sure that I read the word before I ever heard it spoken, so it makes sense that I'd go with the french-based pronunciation.

Paul said...

Must be a Canadian/American thing?

impudent strumpet said...

@karin: now that you mention it, I read it long before I ever heard it as well. It's not actually a word you hear said out loud very often.

@Paul: I don't know, let's see if any USians (or anyone from other countries other than Canada) care to chime in?

laura k said...

In the US, it's pronounced "click". Here, I have only heard it pronounced "cleek". I was very surprised!

impudent strumpet said...

OED has a long E (i.e. cleeeek/French pronunciation) but that entry comes from the Second Edition, which has not yet been revised to include non-RP pronunciations. Merriam-Webster has both. My Canadian Oxford is at work so I can't look until Monday.