Sunday, February 08, 2009

How to get people to buy local

If the powers that be want people to buy Canadian-made products, they need to make it easy for us to find Canadian-made products. If I want drinking glasses, for example, and I want them to be Canadian-made, all I can do is wander from store to store checking where their drinking glasses were made. No one has time to do that!

What they should do is make a website of every single product that is made in Canada - searchable and categorized - along with a complete list of where to buy these products both in person and online. Then I can go to this website, look up drinking glasses, and see what's available and how much it costs and where to buy it.


laura k said...

Brilliant idea.

In the US, it would be a very easy website to create. It would be practically blank.

I don't know if Canada is quite as bad yet.

impudent strumpet said...

Wikipedia is working on it. So far it's mostly cars.