Thursday, February 26, 2009

Computer animation

A sketch from Important Things with Demetri Martin:

The animation is a bit crude, isn't it? (Not that it matters - Demetri Martin usually uses line drawings on a flip chart - but it something I noticed.)

But there was a point in my lifetime when that silly little animation would have been cutting edge. And there was a point in my lifetime when the technology didn't exist to make that silly little animation. That's really weird if you think about it.


M@ said...

I agree, it's weird. I also remember not being able to play some games because they didn't fit on my 320k diskettes... or because I only had 512k of memory instead of the full megabyte.

Then again, that animation was awesome no matter how cheesy. I lost it when the one rat goes running by with a spork.

impudent strumpet said...

That spork is the most highly concentrated awesomeness since the exclamation mark in the "PIE!" sign.

laura k said...

Love that PIE! sign. So great.

But this conversation weirds me out. Because you know the things I remember. Like being in a long-distance relationship and writing letters, on paper, and sending them with stamps.

I wrote a novel where the climactic scene would no longer happen because everyone would have cell phones and be able to warn each other.

So... well. Y'know.

laura k said...

But I did love the spork, too.

M@ said...

Funny -- I placed my recent novel in the mid to late 90s so that the Internet can't complicate things too much! I want to write a cold war novel someday just because it seems so simple. :)

And I had a letter-writing long-distance relationship! So I'm not totally out of touch with you there.

Is a spork a generational thing? Are they ever used any more?

impudent strumpet said...

Were sporks every used in real life? I always thought they were just a joke thing. I've seen them IRL, but they've always been something people have as a joke, like a rubber chicken.

M@ said...

They were given out at Kentucky Fried Chicken, back when they used to refer to their takeout joints as "Rendez-vous", before they re-branded as KFC. Maybe they were used elsewhere, I don't know, but they were given out by the Colonel with all seriousness.

laura k said...

I know sporks from school cafeterias. That goes back a long way, but they were used with great earstness then, too.

I'm glad to hear you wrote paper letters, too, M@. It makes me feel less archaic.

Or is that obsolete? :)