Monday, February 02, 2009

Currently wondering

1. Is there a statute of limitations on children's drawings? Several years ago, a co-worker's very friendly and outgoing child wandered into my office and made friends and drew me some pictures, which I proudly posted on my cubicle wall. Today I realized that that kid is now a teenager and might not want her childish drawings being displayed. Should I take them down? If I take them down, is it creepy if I keep them? I like them, they're cute and funny, but it seems like the sort of thing that might not be appropriate.

2. In TV and movies, actors have a lot of lines to memorize but don't have to repeat them that much (unlike on stage). After a scene is filmed, they don't need to know those lines any more. So how long do the lines stick in their head for?

3. Inspired by the fact that London is apparently currently crippled by six inches of snow, in places where they get snow so rarely that the city doesn't own snow removal equipment, do people own snow shovels? If not, what exactly do they do with all the snow? It needs to be removed at some point.


laura k said...

1. I would take it down, and it is not creepy to keep. It's not like you're using them for creepy purposes.

3. Was it really only 6 inches of snow?? Seriously? I didn't read carefully and was under the impression it was a huge amount.

People who live where it hardly ever snows don't own snow shovels. I don't know how they remove the snow, but I do know they freak out royally. I was once in Alabama when it snowed, maybe a 1/2 inch, maybe less. A dusting. There was total panic - stores were selling out of water and candles. Quite amusing.

impudent strumpet said...

Yeah, I heard variously 10-15 cm, I think the highest I heard was 8 inches.

It would be kind of nice (speaking as someone who's used to snow) to be caught in a snowfall in somewhere that isn't used to snow. You get a snow day without any real inconvenience.