Saturday, December 13, 2008

OMG, this is a real song!

Remember the episode of the Simpsons where Bleeding Gums Murphy is in the hospital (dying?) and Lisa is running around trying to get someone to play his record on the radio? The song she sings in that episode is real!


laura k said...

It was a big radio hit in the 70s. Funny, it never occured to me viewers might not know the song!

Carole King

impudent strumpet said...

That happens a lot. I was like 8 or 9 years old when Simpsons started. Godfather movies, Citizen Kane, Brazil, all kinds of cultural icons I'd be watching for the first time and going "OMG, that's from the Simpsons!"

laura k said...

When watching The Simpsons, I frequently ask, How many viewers get that? Do younger people know what that is?

I've just gotten a partial answer. Thanks!

impudent strumpet said...

Not knowing what it is doesn't hinder the experience though because we're used to it. They always did that in 80s children's TV shows too. I first encountered the Monty Python foot and coconuts making horse noises and the Star Wars garbage compactor scene and the fact that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father in children's shows. I was first exposed to the Beatles through their Sesame Street parodies, and then when my father had us listen to the Beatles for the first time around the age of 6 I was very impressed that they did Sesame Street covers.

Fran said...

Simpsons episodes are often so full of pop culture references that you miss some on first viewing and/or don't "get" them until later.