Saturday, December 13, 2008


I'm nervous about something, and I've been carrying this nervousness around for a few days. Then about an hour ago I hit a point where I was all "I'm sick of being nervous! It's really consuming!" Then I stopped being nervous because it was so annoying. But then the nervousness came back.

I wish I knew how to leverage that.


laura k said...

That is *very* cool.

I think if you can get yourself to stop being nervous because it was annoying, then you can learn how to do it at will, for longer periods of time, and after shorter periods of nervousness. I hope you'll try, and report back.

This is big.

impudent strumpet said...

It doesn't seem to be reproduceable. Right now I'm nervous AND annoyed at being nervous AND annoyed that I can't turn the nervous off.

laura k said...

Just b/c you weren't able to reproduce it on command a second time doesn't mean it's not reproduceable. Maybe it will work the 3rd time you try, or the 4th. Think learning curve, how success is sporadic and difficult at first, then becomes more frequent and easier.

It may require more effort. It may not work every time. You might have to work on getting it to happen more often, increasing its effectiveness.

But I bet it is reproduceable, and once you figure out how, you'll be able to control it.