Sunday, December 07, 2008

But if I shop, the marketers will have won

I don't like shopping at this time of year. Not just because of the crowds and inconvenience, but because I feel like I'm betraying some kind of principle.

Usually people who feel this way feel like xmas has become too commercial, too materialistic, and the true meaning is lost. But that isn't where I'm coming from. I'm not xian so I don't believe in any true meaning of xmas, and I am a materialistic person who has no problem with the materialism. When I was a kid, the materialistic part of xmas was actually the most important to me, because it was the only way I had of getting new toys and books and money and computer games and other fun stuff. Gifts obviously aren't as important now that I can buy my own toys whenever I damn well please, but I'm certainly not about to forget why they can be important to some people, so I should have no objection to the materialistic aspect. So why do I feel wrong about shopping?

I think I've figured out what it is. If I buy something now, the stores will assume I bought it for xmas. It will go under the xmas sales heading. They will assume that their strategy of putting up decorations in October and playing that maudite music has worked and led me to buy the item in question.

I wish there was some way to go on the record as saying "I didn't buy this for xmas!" I didn't buy the red shirt because it's an xmas colour, I bought it because I look hot in red! I didn't buy the fuzzy warm jammies for xmas despite the fact that they're all giftwrapped in a ribbon, I bought them because I was cold last night! I didn't buy the chocolate to put in a stocking, I bought it because I had a rough day! I don't celebrate xmas, I just have a bit of disposable income and like pretty things. But as long as my every purchase makes them think their xmas marketing strategy has succeeded, I'm going to be hesitant to shop.


Fran said...

They will assume that their strategy of putting up decorations in October and playing that maudite music has worked and led me to buy the item in question.

I think they're going to assume that whether you shop or not, so you might as well shop.

I think it's more like the opposite of your heading. If you let the marketers deprive you of nice red shirts, warm jammies and chocolate; if you let them control you and think twice about doing what you damn well please, that's an even bigger victory for them.

impudent strumpet said...

I think they care more about getting my money than influencing my behaviour. If not, they're pretty shitty marketers.

Fran said...

Marketing is all about influencing behavior.

If marketers can influence you to not spend money, they can do the reverse as well. If they're able to exert control over your decison-making (and it seems they have), you're right where they want you to be.

impudent strumpet said...

Or maybe YOU'RE a marketer just trying to convince me to not not spend money!

laura k said...

I avoid shopping this time of year for the same reason, plus the crowds, plus the muzak. I figure anything I need now can wait til January.