Saturday, March 15, 2008

I wear heels for the greater good of society

Today I wore running shoes, which I don't normally wear. I'm a fast walker to start with, and in running shoes I walk even faster. The problem is I get really frustrated at the slower pedestrians (which, when I'm wearing runners, is literally everyone except for people who are actually running) - I get like sidewalk rage! Not at old people or people with disabilities or small children or impractical shoes or carrying lots of stuff, but people who look like they're in perfectly good condition. I feel like "How is it physically possible for you to be walking that slowly? Don't you get bored in between your interminably slow steps?"

So next time someone gives me shit for wearing girly shoes, I'll tell them it's for the good of my blood pressure and the good of society. They're to handicap me, like in Harrison Bergeron, so I can act civil in today's slow-walking society.


laura k said...

I am the SAME way!

But I don't wear heels, am almost always in running shoes, so I'm always like that.

You are such a good urbanite. It always reminds me of my former self, or the urbanite that still lives within this new suburban version of myself.

impudent strumpet said...

Actually it isn't even the urban thing, although I know the thing you're talking about. It's purely hereditary. Both my parents are extremely fast walkers. My theory is that they had to marry each other because they couldn't stand walking down the street with anyone else.

laura k said...

LOL. I just saw this now. I gotta start remembering to subscribe to your threads.