Sunday, June 17, 2007

Things They Should Invent (or, rather, standardize and everyone start doing): descriptive Youtube linking practices

The problem with Youtube links is that the URLs themselves aren't descriptive, and this is compounded by the fact that people tend to share Youtube links by going "OMG, you have to see this" without any further description.

Okay, but what is it I just have to see? A dozen little yellow puppies meeting a cat? A surprisingly hilarious moment from Whose Line? Scenes from Harry Potter remixed with music from Chicago? This is especially annoying on forums etc., where the link is more likely to be something the linker enjoys, rather than something they know I specifically will enjoy, and then it ends up being clips sports or a reality show or something that just isn't of that much interest to me.

So until and unless Youtube starts giving us descriptive URLs (could happen, Amazon started doing it after, what, 10 years?) please provide a description when sharing Youtube links. Not just "OMG this is funny," something a bit more substantial. Use the "Drop everything and look at this. No, seriously, don't ask questions, you just have to see this" approach only when absolutely positively most strictly necessary.

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