Saturday, June 30, 2007

Another belated analogy

I previously blogged about the concept of ad-hominem self-righteousness.

It occured to me today that the real problem is that people who practise ad-hominem self-rightousness then get grumpy when other people aren't on their side. If you want to go it alone, be as "I'm right because I'm me!" as you want. But if you want other people on-side, you have to give them something more to convince them.

It's like if I were trying to convince y'all of something, and I said "I'm clearly right here, because I'm the smartest person in this conversation." The only people who would agree with me are the people who already believe that I'm the smartest person in this conversation. If I want to convince people who don't believe that I'm smarter than them, I have to give them some other reason why I'm right. Otherwise, it's just as convincing as saying "We must remove all troops from Afghanistan because the sky is maroon."

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