Sunday, June 17, 2007

Missing information

I'm surprised to see such big missing information in an article in the Star. But I've read through the article twice and still can't figure this out:

"There are hormonal changes in men when they become fathers," says Wynne-Edwards, whose work is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. "Those specifically are an increase in (female) estrogen, a temporary decrease in testosterone, and an increase in prolactin, which is a hormone associated with the nursing process."

So my first thought is why and how this happens - a man becoming a father isn't a physical change in his body, not like a woman becoming a mother. And this raises a bunch of questions. How can it come from becoming a father? Is it a reaction caused by his female partern becoming a mother? Or is it actually related to the presence of his own offspring? What if he becomes a father without his knowledge? What if he becomes a father without his knowledge and then is unknowingly put in the presence of his baby? If it does work that way, would it work with sperm donor? What if his female partner bears another man's child, but he believes it's his own child? What if his female partner bears another man's child and he knows it isn't his own but he's willing to raise it?

I'm sure this hasn't be researched as thoroughly as I'm asking about, but I would appreciate a little more background on why exactly they're making the statement quoted above.

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