Sunday, March 13, 2005

Wherein karma comes and bites me on the ass

I woke up at 6 am this morning. I had not completely finished sleeping, but I felt more awake than I do on the average weekday morning and felt generally healthy and alert. The angel on one shoulder told me to get up, do a bit of yoga, and get on with my day, taking advantage of all the extra hours that I don't usually find in a weekend. The devil on the other shoulder told me to go back to sleep, it's the weekend and I'm entitled to sleep in for as long as I want. So I decided to lie in bed, and if I didn't fall asleep within one hour (or got bored of lying in bed) I'd get up.

I lay in bed, fell asleep, and woke up around noon. When I woke up I felt grumpy, shitty and dessicated. I should have listened to the angel.

This angel/devil on the shoulder thing raises a question: suppose you've got your angel and devil on your shoulders. Which one is on which shoulder? Is there a standard in cartoons etc?

1 comment:

Andrew Ironwood said...

I don't know if it's a standard, but I always tend to go with the devil on the left shoulder (since you're supposed to throw spilt salt over that shoulder to blind the capital-D Devil) and the angel on the right (there's also the old Islamic fable that has one angel on your right shoulder noting your good deeds and another angel on the left notating your bad deeds...)