Saturday, March 12, 2005


You know how societal convention is to walk on the right side of whatever sidewalk or staircase or hallway you might be in? I have evidence that, despite those annoying standing-on-the-left-of-the-escalator people, the general population of Toronto still adheres to this convention.

How do I know this?

Go to a subway entrance on a snowy day. You will see that the side of the steps that is the right-hand-side for people going down the stairs is wet, and the other side is dry. This means that the majority of people coming in from outside (therefore with wet shoes) are going down their right-hand side, and the majority of people heading out from inside (therefore with dry shoes) are going up their right-hand side.


Unknown said...

Snowy Day?? What's that? All we have here in Alabama is rain!! Rain, rain, go away. My lawn is under water and the bunnies are wearing snorkles.

impudent strumpet said...

I'll trade you some snow for some bunnies!

CQ said...

_When you first approach any large building entrance from outside (like with a subway stn), and you see lots of doors ...
_People will still jam together to enter through one door only. Even in a blizzard.