Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Ways I humiliated myself today

1. Early this morning, as I was eating breakfast in my bathrobe, I heard a key fumbling in my door. I thought it was mi cielito unexpectedly dropping by, but when I looked through the peephole I saw it was a creepy older man with a beard. Not knowing what to do, I called the supers, slightly freaked out. Turns out this guy had been hired to clean the empty apartment across from me, and he had the wrong door.

2. The security-card-scanner-thing in one of the doors to our office wasn't working. Then I noticed the cleaning lady was in our office. I asked her if she had used her security card to come in (which would mean the door was working again), and she reacted like I was carding her (which does happen around our building for security reasons). I tried to clarify, but it turns out she spoke only Spanish. So I tried to clarify in Spanish, but as I reached into the "foreign language" section of my brain, stuff kept coming out in Polish!!! Which is weird because I don't even know the Polish for what I was trying to say! Luckily a co-worker came over and helped me with the Spanish, or I'd still be there now with this cleaning lady half my size all freaked out because she thinks I'm questioning her security credentials! I'm so embarrassed though that I couldn't speak Spanish! I honestly thought I could!

3. I was walking down the crowded stairs from the Yonge line to the Bloor line in St. George station. I saw my train had just pulled in, so I was focusing on the train instead of where I was going. Suddenly, the lady in front of me spilled some stuff out of her bag onto the stairs. I was still focused on the train, and I accidentally stepped on a container of expensive-looking makeup, breaking the container and spilling makeup everywhere! GAH! I was so embarrassed I didn't even think to help her clean up or anything, I just apologized profusely and ran off.

Today was not such a good day.

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