Sunday, April 11, 2004

Tangent: my poor flowers look like they're slowly suffocating. The stems are a healthy green right up to the point where they start looking down, then it becomes a sickly yellowish. It's like the good healthy stuff isn't reaching their heads, like a person in a room without enough oxygen. Poor flowers :(

But that wasn't what I meant to blog here at all. My thesis for this blog entry is that I enjoy being an adult, being an adult is very easy.

There's none of the drama that accompanies adolescence, or the oppression that accompanies childhood. I don't have to dress cool, I don't have to look sexy. My excuse is that I work in the office, but that still gives me the opportunity to look gloriously inadvertently sexy when the mood strikes. I can wear lipstick! Lipstick works on me, lip gloss does not, and I'm finally at a point in my life where lipstick isn't weird! I can retire early and curl up in bed with a novel because I have to work in the morning, or I can stay out late anyway. I can be knowledgeable of politics and grammatical minutiae and quantum physics (although I probably made at least two spelling mistakes in this sentence) and that's perfectly acceptable and only moderately eccentric, and I can still spend my free time gaming and instant messaging.

As a student I'd always feel slightly embarrassed about anything that I do or I like that isn't cool enough. Even though my peers stopped caring about cool years and years ago, this is leftover trauma from middle school. But now, whenever I feel the need to do something staid and frumpy, it's justified because I'm an adult and I work in an office. Yes, that is Bach I'm listening to, and yes, I would like a glass of wine rather than a series of shots. This is a space I've always been comfortable in, and finally I can get away with it.

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