Thursday, April 15, 2004

Some dreams I had last night:

1. The Creepy Dream: Mi cielito kept breaking into my apartment and vandalizing things when I wasn't home, and he wouldn't explain to me why. Then I found out he had put these things - those round sticky things with wires coming out of them that they sometimes stick to the bodies of people they're doing medical tests on (what are these things called????) - anyway he had put these things on the back of my bookshelf and somehow that was broadcasting my vital signs over the internet. I woke up really creeped out. At this point in the lunar cycle it's normal for me to dream about him, but the dreams have always been more, um, pleasurable, not creepy like this.

2. The Stupid Dream: Someone had installed a new showerhead in the basement of some building, and a great many people were very excited about this, myself among them. We were all standing in a crowd around the showerhead, waiting for our turn to shower. Everyone was showering with their clothes on because of the presence of this crowd. I was growing increasingly impatient with waiting for my turn, and then I realized that I have my very own shower at home that no one else was using. So I walked up a big hill that looked like Lawrence & Vic. Park here in Toronto and also looked like that street that runs in front of University Plaza in Dundas (I don't know that anyone reading this is familiar with both those places, but anyway), and went home to my apartment.

3. The Existential Dilemma Dream: I was in an airplane. (The reason I was in an airplane was because I had taken an elevator I wasn't supposed to and it had landed in the middle of A Very Important Event, and the airplane was airlifting me and some other people out of there so we wouldn't disturb The Event). Anyway, the airplane was going to crash. The crew told us that we would lose consciousness due to the sudden loss of altitude (yes, I know it doesn't work that way) so we should lie down on the floor in the aisles, and then we'd fall asleep and it would all be over when we wake up. The idea of sleeping through the plane crash and not noticing a thing sounded good, so I lay down in the aisle, fell asleep, and woke up in my bed.

It later occurred to me that the possibility exists that this is all a dream and I'm really still on a crashing airplane.

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