Thursday, April 29, 2004

American Woman by Susan Choi. Yet another novel that is a good book, but I am not the best audience for it. It's the story of the daughter of a wealthy family who is kidnapped by a group of radicals in 1970s America, and eventually turns to their cause. The story is told from the perspective of another radical who is in hiding but gets drawn into this incident.

I think it's a novel better appreciated by someone who lived through that time, especially since it's apparently based on a real event (which I wouldn't have known about without Google). There's a good deal of indirect commentary on things like gender, race, and sexuality, but again those aren't Issues in my life like they were at the time. It works if you read it from a historical perspective, but I don't know if it's intended that way.

The story itself is quite good, although it fizzles out at the end. I think the author was going for Meaningful and Symbolic at the end, but it didn't quite work for me. Still worth reading from the library though.

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