Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Boring grownup stuff

The problem with arranging a move is that there's so much boring grownup stuff involved. I have to call people and get estimates for stuff and write cheques and watch my bank account balance and sign things. I've used the word "insurance" more in the past week than in the rest of my life combined! Don't get me wrong, I'd still rather be an adult than a child (I watched whatever I wanted on TV today! And now I'm playing computer games while drinking wine!) but this high density of boring grownup stuff is kind of getting me down.

This makes me glad I'm childfree and carfree. People with children and cars have to worry about stuff like this ALL THE TIME! Cars are giant resourcesucks, and with children you have to be doubley extra super-duper careful about EVERYTHING!

Maybe that's why those Kids Today people take childlessness as one of the signs of not being a grownup - because it affords you time to think about stuff other than boring grownup stuff.


Fran said...

I agree with you, I hate stuff like that.

For example, I just did my taxes and even though I keep good records and online tax prep software made the process relatively simple, I am still glad to have it over and done with for another year.

I think we're fortunate that these sort of hassles are only a once-in-awhile thing in our respective lives (as opposed to my brother and sister-in-law, for example, who are raising three kids and have to deal with everything you speak of pretty much constantly.)

Once it's done, we can set aside the stress and get back to the finer things, like computer, TV, wine, etc. :-)

Anonymous said...

Uh, that was me up there by the way.

For some reason, blogger now defaults to the display name from long-unused account and I have to change it if I want to use the short form of my name.

impudent strumpet said...

Might be because I just got upgraded to the new blogger. I haven't had a chance to see what's different about it yet because of all the boring grownup stuff.