Thursday, December 31, 2009

"Media elite"

It's a common collocation. But is anyone questioning it? The media doesn't strike me as especially elite. Some of them are (I was surprised by the number newspaper columnists who own houses in Toronto), but some of them also strike me as rather base.


jay said...

It seems to be a euphemism used by right-wingers to describe journalists with whose opinions they disagree. CBC vs. Tim Horton's.

impudent strumpet said...

As though CBC and Tim Horton's are somehow incompatible.

laura k said...

Jay is right, and his comment brings up the obvious question: is right-wing media also elite?

Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin and others of their ilk always go on about the "liberal media" - while obviously they are living incarnations of why those words are a huge hoax.

I suppose "media elite" is the same thing?