Sunday, September 30, 2007


Of my own initiative, I started using the word upgefukt about 10 years ago. However, I'm not the only person in the universe who has come up with this revolutionary linguistic innovation, and it seems the prevailing spelling is upgefuckt (1380 google hits, compared with 58 for upgefukt).

The advantage of upgefuckt is it uses the actual root of the verb, and more strictly follow German past participle formation rules. The disadvantage is that if you pronounce it in German, it comes out "upgefutskt".

So should I go with prevailing usage and start spelling it with a C?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No - Germanic languages double consonants in order to shorten the preceding vowel, but German (like English and unlike Dutch) uses "ck" instead of "kk". "C" in German is only pronounced "ts" before e, i or y.

I think you're getting confused with the Slavonic languages, in which "c" is ALWAYS pronounced "ts".