Saturday, September 01, 2007

Signs I'm too much of a geek

I'm watching an episode of the old Batman TV series (which may be a sign I'm too much of a geek in and of itself). The bad guy has a Robin Hood theme, and in his villaneous lair he has a guillotine. My reaction: "But that's historically inaccurate!"


Anonymous said...

Maybe not so far-fetched. The Robin Hood legends appeared in an early collection edited by Joseph Ritson (1752-1803) who was also known for his Jacobin sympathies. English radicals generally sympathized with the French revolution and, for similar reasons, often romanticized outlaws.

impudent strumpet said...

Perhaps, but he's set much earlier, in the 1200s I think (before the Magna Carta at least). The guillotine was invented in the 1300s and wasn't popularized until much later.