Monday, January 30, 2006

Yes, I bought it just for the pilates ball

The Globe and Mail's Leah McLaren seems to have a certain disdain for people who would buy Special K for the pilates ball.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I did just that. Here's why:

I was in the market for a pilates ball already. They are often used in the exercise program I (try to) follow. I've tried to improvise with various household items, but they weren't quite comfortable to grip for such a long time - it would hurt my forearms in a bad way. However, all the balls I found available commercially either came in a set of different-sized balls, or came with a DVD. I didn't much fancy the idea of spending the extra money just to have extra junk cluttering up my home - all I wanted was one ball! Then the Special K offer came along, so for just a couple of bucks I got a ball, plus a box of cereal (which I don't eat regularly, but like to keep around the house as a staple). If that makes me a prole or a lemming or a slave to marketing or whatever, so be it.

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